Today's been a wierd day. Many ups and downs, but pretty much just........yeah, one of those days. Last night we had a surprise barbeque for the Aquanaut Division at camp (all the boys that are in my campers age group). The plan was to trick them into thinking that they were in deep trouble, and send them to bed early thinking we were all really upset at them. The plan worked perfectly. We gave them ten minutes to go from torchlight, to being in bed. After they had been asleep for about ten minutes, we woke all of them up and got them to clean the bathroom all together. A lot of them were mad, but after about 5 minutes we turned on the floodlights and blasted the radio, and revealed the prank. I think we stumped all of them, and it was fun to watch. They were still mad, but really happy about the hamburgers and hotdogs we dished out.
During this time i was being kinda self reflective. I knew i had to go back to my campers and make up something to get mad at them at so they would fall asleep. But the thing i realized was is that i've kinda been mad at them the whole time. Well, not really mad or angry, but i've always been quick to jump on them when they step out of line.....and i let them know it. For me, it was kinda hard to fake being mad, because i feel that maybe they just see me as mad all the time, when truly i love all my guys. But still i feel like I'm some kind of drill sergent to them. Am i contradicting myself or making perfect sense?
Anyway this kinda got me thinking about my whole mission here and whether or not i am showing Christ's love to my campers. As i look back on my time with them, is it possible that in some freaky way that they could see the love God has for them through my actions? They see me reading my Bible, they know I'm a Christian, and i hope they see the stuff i do for them. But am i really being the example God has called me to be?
Lord, i know your plans for me are greater than i can understand, and that i will probably not see the the fruits of Your work done through me. But i trust in You to use me however You need me. Sap my energy and use every bit of my strength for the growth of these campers. I pray Father that i am doing Your will, and please help me to understand where you want me next.
Another conclusion i came to is that i need tocontinue to emerse my self in the Word. Even during this blog, i had to stop half way and read my Scripture passage for today before i could continue. I know its anti-climactic for some, but i always seem to find the answers im looking for and the spritual strength i need during those times
God even gave me an "I told ya so!" today:
"Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49 NIV)
Translation: "Brenton, why do you keep searching for answers to your spiritual dryness? Don't you know you
have to be in my presence?"
God, you are glorious in Your workings, continue to teach me in ways i cannot fathom and surprise me everyday with your wisdom.
I want to thank you all again for writing replies. Luke and Jana, thanks for encouraging me to write. I'm blaming the both of you for getting me stuck on this!!! Also, Lindsey, you asked for my camp address so here it is:
Camp Champions
775 Camp Road
Marble Falls, TX 78654
Plus, anybody else that would like to send me camp mail that would be co-counsellor gets one everyday from his girlfriend, so i feel left out.....heheheh just kidding.