Pat and Mary-Beth Kelley have been the couple I have been living with for the last 2 and a bit months, and I just can't get enough of them. They are two of the most amazing people I have met in my short life, and have been nothing but generous, caring and loving to me ever since they met me. I never get to talk about them enough, so I figure I'll brag about them for a little while.
Not only have they given me a place to stay (and eat at!) this summer, but they have also introduced me to their amazing family: their sons and daughters, and grand children (which are all around my age). There has never been a moment with them that i've felt uncomfortable or lacking something. They have made me feel right at home, and have spoiled me rotten since i've been here.

Not only do I have a king size bed and my own room, but i also have free internet access, an incredible fridge full of food, and a bathroom that just miraculously cleans itself (thank you Mary-Beth!). I've tried to offer to help around the house, even just putting away the dishes or wiping down the table. But i have to have special permission to do those; not because i'm incapable, but because they just want to look after me.
Most nights when I am home we will play Mexican Train Dominoes. It's a game I introduced them to when i first got here, and they love playing it. Sometimes i wonder why they like playing it so much, because i tend to win most games. I warned them from the beginning that I don't lose, but with their competitive spirit, they only saw that as a challenge! I love playing with them, because every game isn't just a game. It's another story about their life, or some funny instance that happenned to them during the day.
They have imparted so much wisdom to me, that i should have written a book about my time here in Houston. I love spending time with Pat over lunch or breakfast and just talking about life; the decisions he has made, the funny stories from his college days, or just advice he gives me about relationships with people from all walks of life. Talking with Mary-Beth always cheers me up, whether its just talking about what has happenned that day, how I'm messing up my laundry, or giving her a hard time about going to the gym. She always has a warm smile and a big hug for any moment of the day.

The fact that my mum called this morning, and asked Mary-Beth how "our" son is going, says a lot for these two amazing people. But it just amazes me how God fills our need for family when we need it. In my stay over the last 5 in the US, there has always been a family at some point in time that has stepped in for my biological family. It has made me value so much more, my own family back home, and what they have sacrificed for me to be over here.
To Pat and Mary Beth, I thank you for being humble enough to welcome to into your family, and treat me as one of your own. I've been blessed because of you and have gained so much from your wisdom. May God Bless you both.