1 Kings 19:1-8
Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, "May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them."
Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat." He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jug of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, "Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you." 8 So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God.
One day last week in Old Testament (class) i opened my Bible to find a verse that we were reading, when i stumbled across a page that had not been closed properly. It was all folded up, and crunched between the other pages (probably just from not taking enough care of my Bible!). Anyway, a page like that always stops and make you think "Hmmm, i bet God had something in mind for me on that page". I don't even think i stopped to read what was on it; but i unfolded the page and placed it neatly as i went to the verse i was looking for.
Last night, i was doing some reading for a class and read about this idea that, it is not enough to know where we should be going in life; but how we must question our heart, energy and will power in order to sustain us on our way there. I might have some assurance that i'm on the right path....but that's not enough. It also requires that I am able to continually find and drink from "Elijah's Jug"; or in Ronald Rolheiser's words: "the sustenance that God promised to provide to those who are walking the long road toward the divine mountain".
Sure enough, when i looked up the passage associated with this curious metaphor of Elijah's jug, i landed at 1Kings 19:1-8.......the same page that had been crumpled in my bible a couple of days ago.
Literally and spiritually I had found Elijah's jug! It was just what i needed to hear. With my busy schedule, and just basic calamity (sorry only word i could think of....probably not accurate!) of my life in general, i had found strength from that passage and from God's promise. It's awesome when He works like that!
But i got a lot more out of it than i expected. After reading some more out of Rolheiser's book (The Holy Longing......a great one if ever you want to get it), I got the conviction that the answer to all my problems, and the problems of most Christians is.................get ready for it......................private prayer!
Ewww, how does that one stick to ya? I was thinking about what private prayer is to me, and there is one thing i think i can honestly compare it too......cafeteria food! Anyone that has eaten the food here at Saint Mary's will tell you that it's pretty gross.....somewhat sub-par. Somedays you can walk in there starving, take one sniff of the kitchen and completely lose your appetite. Other days, (once in every 4 weeks....maybe), the food is incredible and you come out feeling like you've eaten like a king! I guess it's the same way for me in my time apart with God in prayer.....its just not appealing.....and sometimes i feel like im getting nothing out of it....and yes...that is most of the time! (Shock horror!).
A Christian writer, Henri Nouwen, puts it really well:
[My time apart is not a time]....of deep prayer, nor a time in which I experience a special closeness to God; it is not a period of serious attentiveness to the divine mysteries. I wish it were! On the contrary, it is full of distractions, inner restlessness, sleepiness, confusion, and boredom. It seldom, if ever pleases my senses. But the simple fact of being for one hour in the presence of the Lord and of showing him all that i feel think, sense and experience, without trying to hide anything, must please him. Somehow, somewhere, I know that he loves me, even though i do not feel that love as I can feel as a human embrace, even though i do not hear a voice as I hear human words of consolation, even though I do not see a smile, as I can see in a human face. Still God speaks to me, looks at me, and embraces me there, where I am still unable to notice it.
Just like the food at the cafeteria, even if i don't have an appetite for it, i still have to eat it, because i know that if i don't i will go hungry the rest of the day; basketball practice will be tough, and my body will probably collapse from lack of energy.....eventually. It's the same way with private prayer. Sometimes i can't feel what prayer is doing for me, or if God is really there, or if what I am saying to God is making any sense. But somehow, that prayer is filling me up, feeding my soul, and giving it energy.....just like the food at the cafeteria.
Still, with all that being said, private prayer can be really hard. Its not easy to take an hour out of your day and devote it to yourself, let alone God. I think, however, that private prayer is easier than we think. Praying is not an isolated activity; it takes place in the midst of all the things and affars that keep us active. In prayer a "self centered monologue" becomes a "God -centered dialogue".
Private prayer doesn't have to be sitting in a room by yourself, on your knees with your hands held together. Private prayer can happen when you're walking to class, talking to friends, thinking about life or playing sports! You might want to ask yourself, how often when i'm doing these things (pretty much just living life in general) do i dedicate my actions to God and the purpose of seeking His will? How often when you are catching up with friends and are talking with them do you think, "I wonder what Jesus might have said there". Just the act of thinking this is a form of private prayer.....it is time spent apart from our world to focus on the Spirit-lead actions that we are all consumed by, in being a Christian.
OK, so before i really do go and write a book of what i've been feeling today, i want to offer a simple prayer for myself, and any of you that maybe be needing a sip from Elijah's Jug.
~Lord, i praise you for allowing me today realize the need i have for you. Father, i cannot do this alone. My life is full of stuff that i have no control over and sometimes i feel guilty that i do not give enough of my time to you. I petition to you, for me....and for all who are reading this, that we may be as dedicated as Elijah in seeking out Your will for our lives, and that in our stress we may find ourselves collapsed by a tree with you waiting to give us bread and water to sustain us for our long journey ahead towards you. We praise you Father. Thank you for sending your Son for us. Please help us this day. In Christ's name. Amen~
My first time blogging...how appropriate that it be about "Elijah's Jug"! God is full of surprises, and never fails to nourish us in so many ways. Your reflections on Elijah's Jug and private prayer are so very insightful. You know doubt are and will be "Elijah's Jug" - God's refreshment - to many!
Blessings! See you tomorrow!
Sister Sharon
Great post bro. Once again you amaze me. You are such an inspiration to me. What would I do without you?! I'd have no one to squeeze! ;)
Hey B.J,
Just wanted to say Hi :D
Miss ya lots!
xox Leah
Hey theres a youth party at my house tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. ,FRIDAY. Well.....
Chizzler out.
true that.....a post will come soon....maybe when SCHOOL IS DONE!!!! arghh! Its driving me up the wall....i think i might start posting stuff from the 30 papers i write a week! killing 2 birds with 1 stone....hmmmmm i dont think that's biblical
GAHHH!!! UPDATE!!! yar. tis i Kat, the one who beat you at cards!!!teehee. and luke who cares about the spilling i kan speell reel gud. teehee.
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