It was really good to spend time with my little bro. For those of you that don't know, i rarely get to spend time with my family since being here in the US has kept me away for 5 years. Having Jake around has not only allowed me to reconnect with the fam, but also to get to know Jake a lot better. There were so many things that i didn't know, or had forgotten about him and it was refreshing to have him around to hang out with.
It was also a blessing to introduce him to so many of my friends that have been apart of my family. Everyone warmed up to him so much and took him in just like they did me which really makes me want to thank everyone. To the Gilberts, Luke, the Vineyard and the Youth Group, Ryan H, Kate and the James family, Jana and the Collins Family Lance, Kate S, Candi, Kara, Kristen, Kelly, Rachael and Rachael, Cheryl, Sam and the Williams family, Mo,the nuns at the mother house and anyone else that got to spend time with him....thanks so much for taking him in. You're all family to the both of us.
It's funny that me and Jake never used to get along...(and we still don't at times), but after his stay here i've really grown to love him and value every minute i've got to spend with him. We still get on each other's nerves all the time, but i've really began to appreciate the brother he is to me. We are both very different, yet oddly similar. And its funny that in both the similarities and differences i've really grown to appreciate him.
We got to spend about a month with each other and do a lot of things like going to Dallas, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, golfing, bowling, partying, catching some live music and a lot of chilling. We got to share a lot and talk about many things. But now that his trip is all said and done, im really happy that we got to build a relationship (whatever it is), and not slip into being at each others throats (which i feared might happen!). I just hope he had as good a time as i did hangin with him. I love ya bro.........good luck with your school year.
I know its been a long time since i've posted, but i think its because Jake's been here and i haven't had a lot of time to just sit down and think about what all i've done. I think my blog entries are going to look a little different from now on. I might just start writing out what im thinking, or try my hand at poetry or something. Everyone else seems to have a go at it......i might as well see how it fits on me. I hope to update a little more frequently too......and leave more comments (i know, i've been real slack....im a student, can ya blame me?)
~God, I praise you for the time i've got to spend with my brother. You have done an incredible work in our relationship, and I pray that it continues to grow and flourish in the love you have provided us. I continue to pray for him, that you may keep him safe and searching.....for whatever it is he is looking for in his life. Oh.....and help me to update more.....i really do miss it.hehehe thanks. Amen~
Hey BOB!! Im really glad you had an awesome time with Jake here!! I had fun wiht him as well! Im thinkin we need to have a youth party sometime at my place or something. That would be awesome! Or have another movie night. Pretty intense.
Well, I love ya bro!!
My dearest brother~
Thank you so much for including me in your family. My time with Jake was amazing and I appreciate you letting me steal him from you from time to time. Yesturday was a tough day for me, but I feel oh so blessed to of had this amazing opportunity to get to know him.
I MISS YOU hehe. Already, i know. I loved my stay this weekend. I think i'm going to have to try and do it again soon. It was great to chill with Luke as well. Smooches and squeezes! :D
Hey Bob! I'm glad that you had time to spend w/ Jake, and especially that you were able to become closer to him (and vice versa). Praise God for giving you guys the time to be together.
I enjoyed spending time w/ him (and you) when I visited. Keep us updated on how he is doing back at home ok? I'll be praying for you both, for all your adventures. :-)
Take care! I look forward to reading some poetry from you...ha ha.
Hey Brenton. That's awesome you got closer to your brother, I hope my bro and I have a relationship some day. Maybe when we get older. I wish I would have actually gotten to talk to Jake, but what can I say, I must be antisocial or something. lol. And yeah, you have been slacking on your comments my good friend, but I'll let it slide, this once, lol, I know, I've kept up on it sooo well, I know I know, I'll do better if you do ok? It'll be like a recover program for us huh? lol, sorry I'm super tired. Later yo, see you sunday.
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