Mr. Spire Competition....had to dress up in some wierd outfits....i'll explain. Me and Kate "Ms. Spire" Schebaum.

"Spire Attire" - pretty much dressing up in anything Saint Mary's. I decided to dress up as an actual spire (top of a church building....also, our school mascot.....go figure)

"Formal wear - from any decade" - you may think im a pirate, but this is the actual formal wear worn by Australian convicts. That's history for ya!

"Street clothes" - clothes from the street right?? Ohh.

The HCC crew catchin up at Jana's birthday party

Jana and Lance - the birthday twins! Was awesome hangin out with you guys!
Brenton I found you. I need to know if you are going back to camp at all.
what a stud! lol i like the pics... hey, i'll be prayin for ya over the weekend...i'm praying that not only will He use you in other's lives..but that you hear from Him as well! try to get some sleep!! take care
Oh brother....you make me smile. I love your outfits. Such school spirit you have or something... :)
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