Sunday, April 30, 2006

Guitar Hero Night!!!! (cont.)

The saga continues......

Dukey himself thought that if he maybe wore a hat he would be as good as wrong he was....

Dukey struggled to find strength, as Greatness took off his hat.........and beat him anyway!!!

This made Dukey very sad......

And the Dunce just got confused......and started playing the guitar behind her head.....

As the game came to a close, onlookers watched in amazement, and dreamed of one day becoming a Guitar Hero Superstar, like Greatness.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Guitar Hero Night!!!!

So if you haven't ever played Guitar Hero
on PS2 gotta try's a blast. I must say, that when i've been wearing my hat....i'm undefeated....even on level medium!!! Feast your eyes boys and are some pics from the other are watching greatness unfold!!!

Dukey and the Dunce thought about playing some Guitar Hero one night.....

They thought they were pretty good.....They thought to themselves "We can beat anyone in the world!!!"

Little did they know that Greatness was staring them in the back.....and laughing.....mauahahahaha

Greatness was ready to shut them down.....and he was wearing a hat!

Dukey tried as hard as he could to battle Greatness....but he was soon put to shame

Stay tuned.....for the next installment of....."Guitar Hero Night!!!"

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Youth ministry video!

So i've just added my new video to my blog! I made it for a presentation i had to do for my class about my ministry education, and it's of all the dorky stuff i've done in my last two years with ministry. If you can tell, i'm really excited about it! You've probably already heard about it....i emailed everyone in my address book! Anyway....please check it out and let me know what you think.

God has really blessed me with the oppurtunity to even participate in youth ministry, let alone study it and have the joy of leading it. I have had so much fun while doing youth ministry, and have done some pretty crazy (but safe!) things in the name of building relationships with kids and sharing God's love.

~I praise you God for all my oppurtunities. All my lessons that i've learned, and for those i've yet to learn. I thank you that you have blessed me with a passion and a vocation to minister to Your youth, and i pray that You would lead me where I need to go. Praise you Father, Son and Spirit. Amen.~

Monday, April 24, 2006

Need a break? (Revised)

A train found it's brakes had broke, and couldn't stop
Passengers were in danger of death or worse
Broken limbs, lost friends or plain fear to top
A burdened trip, brought on by this train's curse.
Gravity for sure, must be put to blame
This hill on the journey was far too steep
Inertia was pulling to harm this train
And the tracks narrowed up, so fate could reap.
Yet the driver was raring, as the route
And busy schedule required such speed
Those in his care and himself were blanked out,
For the notion to slow, he felt no need.
Will the haste to the end give us great pride,
Or will we burn out, and forget the ride?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In a Dark Time

Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire.
My soul, like some heat-maddened summer fly.
Keeps buzzing at the sill. Which I is I?
A fallen man, I climb out of my fear.
The mind enters itself, and God the mind,
And one is One, free in the tearing wind.
In a Dark Time, Theodore Roethke, lines 19-24

In the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings.
And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God's will.
Romans 8:26-27

Both of these lines really spoke to me today......i'm not even going through a hard time.....but what a blessing to know that He is working through good times and bad. Praise You God.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Being a College Student........

So, for the last two days, it's really felt like i've had the college student mentality....again. After one of the busiest weeks of my life, the last two days have probably been some of the slowest. It's easter break, and yeah.....i'm looking down the barrell of 7 major assignments before the end of April, and these last two days off could have come in real handy.

But the last two days i've managed to sleep in untill at least 11am, watched some tv, messed around on the computer.....pretty much doing nothing. For me, that is definately an accomplishment, but one that attaches some guilt to it. I think once you become so busy that your free time doesn't even include meal time anymore, you have this kind of nicotene affect when you aren't doing anything. "I have to be doing something"....."I have to find something to do"....."Im going to get really bored if i just sit here".

The other day, i went out to a park with a couple of buddies and we sat at this overlook of the Missouri River and watched the sun go down. There was an older couple there sitting with us, and they whispered when they talked. I think once we recognized that, we thought we may as well be quiet also. For about 10 minutes, me and my two buddies, and this older couple sat at the overlook, in complete silence, and watched the sun go down. All you could hear was the squirrels rustling the leaves nearby.

This is what i needed. Just time to be still. To stop moving. To stop thinking. To stop. I really wonder how many people take time out of their day to do that.....just stop. I think some people, (like myself, sometimes) become so busy that they do know how to stop. Its like they see a red light and drive straight through it. Have you ever had the urge to do that when no other cars are around? Gotta be somewhere?

I think these last two days have taught me a lot. I have accomplished nothing in terms of schoolwork, or churchwork, or paperwork.....but i think my spirit just took a huge breather. After taking a big breath i can really feel it too.

'Be still and know that I am God' has been a good verse this week.

A train found it's brakes had broke, and couldn't stop
Passengers were in danger of death or worse
Broken limbs, lost friends or plain fear to top
A burdened trip, brought on by this train's curse.
Gravity for sure, must be put to blame
This hill on the journey was far too steep
Inertia was pulling to harm this train
And the tracks narrowed up, so pain could reap.
Yet the driver was raring, as the route
And busy schedule required such speed
Those in his care and himself were blanked out,
For the notion to slow, he felt no need.
Will the haste to the end give us great pride,
Or will we burn out, and forget the ride?