on PS2 before....you gotta try it...it's a blast. I must say, that when i've been wearing my hat....i'm undefeated....even on level medium!!! Feast your eyes boys and girls....here are some pics from the other night.....you are watching greatness unfold!!!

Dukey and the Dunce thought about playing some Guitar Hero one night.....

They thought they were pretty good.....They thought to themselves "We can beat anyone in the world!!!"

Little did they know that Greatness was staring them in the back.....and laughing.....mauahahahaha

Greatness was ready to shut them down.....and he was wearing a hat!
Dukey tried as hard as he could to battle Greatness....but he was soon put to shame
Stay tuned.....for the next installment of....."Guitar Hero Night!!!"
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