So today I enjoyed the last of my free time that I think I'm going to have for a while...
But it was some good free time! As you can see, i decided to be real geeky and take a picture of my new planner. It's a pretty beefy thing, but it's one of those organizers that has everything in it (including a spaces for 7 CDs!!). OK, i'll quit being a dork I guess. I got to enjoy some time in worship (me and my guitar), messing around with that photo and talking to a good friend from Dallas. Oh man I miss that city!
But I've noticed that, that city has been quite a source of worry for me lately. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Dallas, but I worry because it's a place that I hopefully see in my future. And anytime I start thinking about the future.....I worry.
Do you ever have that problem? I think for the last couple weeks I've been living in the future. I've been fretting about where I should go next, stressing about what I'm going to do for a living and hyperventilating about how much money that will make me!
Don't live in the future....it's a scarey place.
I started planning out all my stuff that i'll be doing for the next week and writing it down in my new planner and it's pretty exciting (return to dork phase). I'll be organizing and planning some youth events this week, as well as studying for a financial class and tommorrow I'll be starting Vineyard Leadership Intstitute (ministry training for our denomination). VLI will be just like going back to college because it's about 20 hours a week worth of study and reading! Today I'll also be working on Christmas plans, food pantry and organizing my work schedule.
Enthralling stuff I know........I agree with you, it all sounds pretty boring. But it's so much better than worrying about the big picture. It's almost a blessing to have so much to do and to focus on now, so I can stop worrying about what's going to happen later. I know God's got a plan.....can't I be happy enough with that?
I kept a good verse with me this week:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all that you do and He will direct your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6
Thats a pretty good promise for me. I just hope I can keep my heart in good shape. I know it's going to be hard with a discouraging job and a little bit of free time. But I'm so blessed to have a Saviour that cares about me and my well being. I know that whatever the fall He will lift me up.
But when and where is all in the future...
Right now I've got to get some sleep......goodnight!
Hey Brenton! I think you and I have some kind of connection b/c they way you feel about Dallas is the way I feel about Leavenworth. Whenever I think about my future and wanting to end up in Leavenworth someday, I get worried! My mind gets carried away and before I know it I am freaking out about nothing that I have control over! What a doofus huh?
OK LOL about your planner! The fact that you put a picture of it on the web is hilarious! Hey, I am an organizational doofus too so don't worry. If I didn't have my calendar on the wall in my bedroom I wouldn't know what I am doing from day to day and month to month. Being organized = smart :-)
Well, I hope you will be in town during the 3rd weekend in October b/c I am coming to visit! YAY!! We must play cards and all that jazz.
My dearest!! Oh how I miss you and our conversations. You're blog really hits home with me right now. I'm in that worry/hyperventalation stage thinking about my future. Some stuff has been happening and in a month I have big decisions to be making about my more near future than what I had originally planned. I know that doesn't make much sense, but i'll fill you in on the whole story soon.
I really really miss you though. It's been far to long really. I think we should try and catch other on the phone or something so we can plan a time for one of us to come visit the other. I know we are both hecka busy so planing well in advance would probably be best. Hang in there brother and know that you are in my thoughts and always in my heart. Love you.
Ps.....I LOVE the planner! Where can i get one?? :P
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