Wednesday, February 08, 2006

For you.

That hole inside your body
That's filled up with unknowing
Is a glimpse in time away
From becoming what you want.

I wish i could give it to you
But words cannot express
The pain, the embaressment, the anger
That i want to undress.

I wish it could feel what I've felt
That emptiness and strife
From the ugliness of past
Turned darkness into light.

What more could i ask for?
I ask just one more tear
For the love, forgiveness and compassion
I want you to hear.


FL PT said...

Hi Brenton. Your words perfectly describe how I feel regarding my family, and how much I long for them to know God.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, dear brother. In God's time, the day will come and the door will be opened to those we love who don't yet know Him.

FL PT said...

Hey Brenton. Thanks for commenting on my new poem. Many times I'll write a poem or short story about what's on my heart or what I'm experiencing. I've been having some days where I am just not rejoicing as I should mainly b/c I am tired of school and all the work, etc and I've been letting it affect my overall demeanor. So, that's where the poem came from.

I'm glad the concert went well last night and that you were able to be lifted up by helping the teens. It truly is amazing how much you can be uplifted by helping someone else, even if it is doing something small like listening to them talk about something that is on their mind.

Anonymous said...

Well hey there!! Brenton, I am impressed! okay so i was in choir today. thinking about playing the piano later, and then i remembered you told me to try to write something. and i didn't..haha, cuz i was too busy! but i plan on doing it in between pledging. and yes, thats the end of my story. hope you're having a great day!! take care :)

J-and-j said...

hey brenton. i really like the first stanza... hoorah for exposure!