Hey everyone......
So as some of you might be able to tell, i've been fiddling around with my blog just recently. Kinda gave it a new face....hope you like the new additions. Plus...you can use the message board as much as you like, i think it's starting to feel lonely.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone for the feedback on my poetry. Yeah, its a little rusty and raw...but it helps so much in expressing how you feel. I really didn't think i could write some of the stuff i have (not that it's great to begin with), but it's workin for me and that's what i like about it. I would recommend anyone to give it a go.
Not much to update on....
- Im in the Mr. and Ms. Spire competition tommorrow: part of our Tower Power week at St. Mary's. Ill post some photos of me making a fool of myself.
- I have moved into a new apartment: It's much bigger and a little more homey. I know you can't see much from the picture....but i like it.
- Still out of basketball :( my hammy has been torn for the good part of the semester, and our senior night game is on thursday...probably miss that. It's been...let me say...an experience at St. Mary's for me with basketball. In a sense, im glad its coming to an end.
- I've been posting a lot more?!?!? Wierd, i now.....must be due to having Tuesday's off school. I feel like i have so much time....in reality, its not true :(
Keep in your prayers....
- One of my good friends from Highland, KS, Cheryl Rasmussen, had to put her beloved dog Coda to sleep this week due to a nervous system disease. Cheryl is a great friend, and her house is pretty quiet without Coda.
- One of Cheryl's good friends, Angie Eberly, just found out after taking a pregnancy test at the doctors office that she is 4 and a half months pregnant!!! It came as quite a surprise, but i hear she is pretty excited. Pray that she might be prepared for this amazing addition to her family
- Garry Davis, a great friend of mine from the summer at camp, is about to give a talk to his Christian fraternity about homosexuality. God has really been preparing him for this event, and it seems like this may be a great ministry oppurtunity for Garry. He's a dear friend and i'd love for you to pray for him.
- Our youth group at the Vineyard along with other churches has just embarked on "The 7 Project". An idea that is designed to tackle 6 problems facing teens with 7 solutions. Later in the year, we will go to Leavenworth HS and talk to the kids about these 6 issues and invite them to a youth rally event. It has proven to be very successful in many cities around the nation, and i really hope that God uses this event to touch a lot of the troubled youth in Leavenworth. There is a great desire to reach the youth in Leavenworth and show them a better way of life in this drug infested city. Please keep this in your prayers.
- My family. My bro is havin a hard time readjusting to living at home since being here in the US. Its putting a lot of tension on the family. Pray for their salvation and their relationship with the Lord. I know He loves them very much.
Well that's about it.....i think i might stick with the poetry thing for a while.....but i'll update from time to time. Love all of you heaps! Let me know what's goin on in your life!
God Bless,
Brenton, Bob, BJ......whatever!
Hey Brenton! Woo hoo...update! I like all the changes you have made on your blog and have been enjoying your poetry. It is a great way to express what's going on or what is on your heart...for me at least.
I'll pray for all those you have mentioned. Please let me know how things are going.
BOB!! sorry i missed you guys on wednesday!! Trust me, I really wanted to come and see your beautiful face!! UR SO COOL!! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!! :-P .... SO yeah, you need to give me a tadbit more info on the whole skate demo thing comin to Leavenworth. I need to save up, so I cant MISS IT!! Well, I'll see ya Sunday or maybe before if you have time to chill, ok?? OK. See ya later homeslice..
Awww........thats so nice of you to say.. but I must insist, it is YOU who I want to grow up to be like.....:-P.....thanx for bein SO COOL!!! Your aweseome BOB!! Most people wear Superman pajamas, but Superman wears BOB pajamas... Yeah, its true...(tear of joy)...Im so proud...
Anyways, I'll talk to ya later, ok homeslice?? OK. BYEBYE
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