What an incredible month it has been! It has been so busy, but so rewarding. I've had friends visit from Australia, finished up with school, GRADUATED, and had my Dad and Step Mum come and visit for a week! But so much more has happenned.....I had a beautiful reception after graduation, where my family from all over the world were able to meet...some for the first time.
I was able to take my Dad and Step Mum to Kansas City and show them the Plaza and the Blue Room; to Highland to meet the family up there and finally to Dallas to see some friends i made last summer.

Everything has gone off without a hitch, and i sit here marvelling at how blessed I have been. There have been several moments this week where I've had to stop and catch myself wondering what life would be like without all these oppurtunities and priveliges. I don't think i've had more than 5 hours of sleep a night for the last night, just because i've been doing things that i enjoy doing.....not because i have to work, or commit to an obligation...but purely because i am just enjoying life and who i am at the moment.

I really believe that this is one of God's greatest gifts He provides us: when we finally feel blessed with who we have become....even if it is for a brief moment. I've had these moments every now and then in my life.....but it really feels like i've been riding this wave of blessing for about a month. However...I am still restless. I still feel like i am grabbing and reaching for more examples of Christ's life like a kid in a candy store. I still want to share the Gospel with all that I meet....but more as an example, rather than a preacher. I find myself constantly reveiwing my actions in a positive light.....and learning more from my mistakes.

On Saturday, I will take another step in my life's journey, and travel to Houston to begin my youth pastor internship at Cypress Creek Christian Church. I will be there for three months learning and gaining experience in full-time ministry, and truly find if this is where God wants me in my life. I am so excited at the prospect of spending three months with a new group of highschoolers, getting to know them and sharing the Gospel with them. With all this going on though...i can't help but stop to think of all my friends and family i'll be leaving behind for a little while....I'm going to miss everyone so much...please keep in touch!

~God, i can't praise you enough for all that you do in my life. I don't know what i did to deserve this blessed life, but i know that Your Son has provided the Way for me. I thank you Jesus for all that you have saved me from, and pray that you would continue to bless the lost, downtrodden and impoverished. I love you Lord. Amen~
Hey Brenton! CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you! Thanks for posting w/ pics so that I can see your grad day! I wish I could've been there to yell GO BOB at graduation ha ha. Anyway, I'll be thinking of you this summer and praying for all to go well.
Lord of all, please be w/ Brenton and guide him thru each day of his internship. Please show him the way you want him to go, in order for him to glorify You. Keep him safe and in your care dear Lord. In Christ's name, Amen.
Dude...i love you...and miss you ALREADY!!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! What are we supposed to do this summer?? (tear)...i think i might make it..HOpe you have an AMAZING GOD-FILLED SUMMER BOB!!!!!
Love ya bro,
i'm so proud of my aussie friend. *sobs*
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