Patrick belaying Dustin with Crystal looking on.....they knew what they were doing!
So...back to work this week...but last weekend was total veg out for me. I tried to figure when the last time was that i spent a day and did nothing......i got back as far as March and thought i better stop there. But this last weekend was great! I think i spent over 20 hours on Friday and Saturday in my bed, either sleeping or just doing nothing!
We had a daily devotional today before we started work which focused on the importance of having a day off each week. I thought to myself "Hmmmm, maybe having two is a little self indulgent!", but i definately justified that thought with everything that has happenned in the last month.....or two.

Kristin and John Frey
On Monday (memorial day over here), i went rock climbing with a bunch of the kids from the youth group at this indoor rock climbing center called Stone Moves. It was awesome! We were there for about 2 and a half hours.....and it rocked!! (pardon the pun). I got to hang out with the kids a little more and get to know some of the guys that worked at the place....they were all real cool, and could do some pretty amazing stuff on the walls. One of the guys was telling us how he could get to the top of a wall in four moves......after a few laughs from us, he went over to the wall.....and did it. We were all pretty impressed.
I've really found myself struggling with this idea of balancing work and rest. I'm in a position where i love my job so much, that it doesn't really feel like work, and that i'm working 12 hour days without even thinking twice about it. I guess it's because i haven't really found a social scene here in Houston yet.....or a group of guys i can go shoot hoops with or hang with. But i get the feeling that even if i had that, i'd still want to be at work, in the youth room, or just getting things done.

Me trying to tight-rope walk....i didn't get very far!
I get this image of me as a candle, with a fire burning at one end , yet knowing that there is an end to the wick. Is youth ministry just like that? You just work untill all of your energy. or your enthusiasm just comes to an end , when you're out of wax (whatever that represents)? All i know for know is that i'm loving my job, learning that i need to pace myself and living an experience that i'll remember for the rest of my life. Praise God!
Hey Brenton! Sounds like you are having an awesome experience in Houston so far. I am so happy for you!! Rock climbing huh?? Man, I am so jealous! I guess I'll just have to enjoy hiking for now and maybe one day God will send me to the mountains to try some climbing.
As for working so much, I hear ya. When you love what you do, it is easy to just work, work, work. I don't think you'll run out of enthusiasm for the Lord's work but at some point, you will run out of energy. It is a physiological certainty. It seems that God is trying to teach you how to pace yourself. I agree w/ you that the fact that you don't have buds to shoot hoops/hang out with has a part to play in it. Anyway, it is ok to let yourself enjoy some R&R b/c you need it, mentally and physically (even if you don't feel like you need it yet). It is usually when we get utterly exhausted that we finally say "ok enough, I need to rest". But, to avoid slowing down and risking losing your energy, give yourself some R&R at least once per week. There - that's Dr. Angie's orders ha ha.
You are in my prayers. Keep up the awesome work!
I'm sooo glad that you are having a great time down there. I know God will use you to influnce people down there. I be missing you! Have fun! Don't pull another hammy and don't forget to sleep!
BOB!!! I miss you so much!! (tear) My life isnt complete without you here! lol....Im glad your havin so much fun in Texas! Talk to ya later bro.
Love, JC
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