Yeahp. You know that time in your life when you're actually done with college, are out on your own, and can make your own schedule and do what you like?
Sounds great huh?
Well for someone like me that is used to doing something 24/7 and usually has a plan for the next step in my life, I've found myself at the end of the suburban street, and at the beginning of the gravel road. In other words, i have no idea where I'm going, or what I should be doing, or what direction I should take.
It's so hard to keep a future perspective when I'm not content with where I'm at. Don't get me wrong, I love the people I'm staying with. They have been so helpful and giving to me. The Gilberts are an amazing family and such a great reminder to me that God is willing to take care of me wherever I go.
But I've got to gripe about my job for just a little bit! Maybe it's just because I'm coming off a three day stint where i've been working from 10am-7pm....but I'm almost positive I can't stand my job. I work for the school catering business Aramark, and most of my day is reserved to preparing food and cleaning dining rooms. A short part of my work day is spent serving students and sisters (nuns), which I see as valuable ministry time. But it has been real difficult to stay positive.
Yesterday, I got delegated to scraping food that had stuck to the pans after the students were done eating. That got me pretty low...
Sounding good now?
But after I was done I went and hung out with my buddy Luke. It was just a great time to sit and relax, and chill (even though we were supposed to be working on youth stuff for our church). We just got to sit and talk about our futures, about life and about God's plan through all of it. He reminded me of a verse that I have kept with me all day today. It's one that we usually remember, but don't usually take into context:
"I have learned to survive on almost nothing or everything. I have discovered the secret to living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with little or plenty. For I can do everything through Christ, who strengthens me."
- Philippians 4:12-13
Even though I'm going through some discontentment with my job, I know that God has a plan. He has not trained me and grown me to live in a life of fruitlessness and discouragement. Although I am stuck to serving and cleaning at the moment, I know that God has a purpose for it, even if it is to grow my endurance and prepare me for what's coming.
It's funny how this one little thing can put everything into perspective for me. I am discontent with this job. But I am also a youth pastor and a ministry student. Two things I absolutely love doing. Two things that I am praying will be fruitfull and encouraging and effective. I'm praying that God will change this whole city, but I can only start with where I am.
Right now I'm in a valley...but with God's grace I am not fearing the worst...He has always, and will always walk beside me and carry me to where He needs me.
"Even though the journey's long,
and I know the road is hard.
Well the one who's gone before me,
He will help me carry on.
And after all that I've been through,
now I realize the truth
that I must go through the valley
to stand upon the Mountain of God."
-Mountain of God, Third Day
Hey Brenton! I'm glad you updated. Sorry to hear that your job isn't what you hoped it would be. As you said, God does have a plan and a purpose for you working there at this moment. When the time is right, He'll lead you in different direction.
I definitely understand what you mean about reaching the end of the paved road and embarking on the unpaved road! It always amazes me how we seem to both be going thru similar circumstances at the same time. Anyway, even though God hasn't shown you exactly where He wants you to go yet, you have comfort in knowing that He will show you, in His time. I always think about Abraham (actually his name was still Abram) in Genesis 12:1 when God tells him to "get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you" and Abram's response in verse 4 was "So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him". It doesn't say that Abram argued or questioned his path...he just went by faith. Granted, God doesn't speak directly to us as He did to Abram but the principle is still the same. As Abram left everything and everyone he knew to go where God told him without hesitation or question, we should do the same. When God shows us a new direction, we should go and rejoice while going.
This is something that has been on my heart as of late, b/c I am trying to walk by faith as Abram did. I don't know exactly where I am going (just like Abram), and that's ok b/c God's directing me, just as he is directing you dear brother.
I don't know if that helped at all but there ya go. I'm praying for you Brenton.
My career low was probably working for Burswood during the Hopman Cup when I spent 12 long, long hours making sandwiches. I can't look at a sandwich the same way anymore.
My little brother's job however, was to go through all the bins there and take out the plastic plates, knives and forks to be REWASHED!
Thankfully I came out of the whole thing alive (and vowed never again), and on the upside I am a great sandwich maker now :P
I've missed your writing, I hope you keep it up. And I hope everything works out well for you.
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